Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Tessaloniki, Greece.

Our team took part in Erasmus+ Youth exchange project called ''Green youth fighters'' in Thessaloniki, Greece. As you can find out from the name of the project, topic was environment.
Thanks to Erasmus+ programme they made great friendships with young people from other participating countries, such as Lithuania, Sweden, United Kingdom and Greece. What was most impressive is that participants could've express their ideas and propose their own workshops which they implemented during project days. They participated in many interesting and educational workshops while debating about nuclear energy, veganism, climate change, environmental escape room, ecological footprint, what is recyclable and many other topics. During project our team presented reality in Croatia as others did for their countries, which was very informative to see that other countries are sharing same problems and what solutions they may have.

Sometimes timetable felt pretty intense but in the end result was more then satisfactory. They found themselves in totally different surrounding than in their homes, a lot of different cultures placed together for a week gave them opportunity to better understand themselves and others within the group. All in all project was really great and if you want to visit different countries, learn new things, find many great friendships, maybe fall in love...

''I strongly recommend you to join this great opportunity given to us by Youth Empowerment Center/Κέντρο Ενδυνάμωσης Νέων , and Croatian partner in this project Interaktiva because I certainly will!'', says one of the participants.