Travel, learn, meet,
be INTERactive
We are small non-profit and non-governmental organisation with great friends all over Europe. We want to give opportunities to young people to travel and learn about various topics, experience new things, meet new people and get a conection with a lot of young people all over the Europe!
Projects and activities
Uz Eurospin Hrvatska i Interaktivu lakše do posla
U Osijeku je 16. prosinca 2021. otvorena poslovnica poduzeća Eurospin Hrvatska kojom prigodom je predsjednici udruge Interaktiva uručen sponzorski ugovor u svrhu realizacije radionice "Priprema, pozor, posao" za studente i mlade nezaposlene s područja Osijeka.
Radionica obuhvaća pripremu za pisanje životopisa i motivacijskih pisama, pripremu za razgovor za posao (uživo i putem alata za udaljenu komunikaciju), te korištenje društvenim mrežama u svrhu umrežavanja i pronalaženja posla, održat će se 17. prosinca 2021. u prostorijama Stare pekare (Trg Vatroslava Lisinskog, Tvrđa).
Uz Eurospin kupujete pametno, a uz Interaktivu ulažete pametno u svoja znanja i vještine!
Vidimo se na radionici :)
Erasmus+ YE "Business as EUsual" held in Osijek
3rd to 12th September 2021
“Business as EUsual” was held in Interaktiva’s hometown Osijek. 42 participants gathered to share experience, engage in various projects and spread the EU spirit in their society. Together with project partners from Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Italy and Georgia, this project was implemented with a successful outcome.
Young people from different cultures and with distinct thinking were joined in this project to discuss one of the main problems in today’s society - youth unemployment.
he difference between all of them helped them to realize their similarities. With learning how to act in a business world, the youth is now able to spread the awareness about youth unemployment in their countries and give possible resolutions to it. Apart from learning about the variety of countries in the European Union, they were able to develop critical thinking and presentation skills while actively participating in ongoing discussions. Learning about the business world could help them with future employment and to become aware of their worth and abilities.
The first days of the project were filled with workshops useful to people with less experience in the world of business. How to write Europass CV or a cover letter are just two of many other topics discussed at the beginning of the youth exchange. As the project was ongoing, the topics about personal growth and competencies (Youthpass) were studied. During this project, they were able to gain knowledge from their new friends about their previous work and Erasmus + experience and challenges.
Participants also shared the beauty of their own countries through Intercultural evenings. They were also able to discover Osijek and experience Croatian culture.

Youth Exchange held in Osijek in December of 2017.
We come as one is youth exchange that is organized by non-governmental organisation Interaktiva from Osijek, Croatia and sponsored by European Commission trought Erasmus + programme. Project gather 36 young people from Turkey, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, FYRO Macedonia and Croatia. During youth exchange young people learned about human rights and activism on human rights field.
YE Running to success
Youth Exchange held in October and November 2018.
Running to success is youth exchange that is organised by non-governmental organisation Interaktiva from Osijek and sposored by European Commision trought Erasmus + programme. Project will gather together 42 young people from Greece, Lithuania, Spain, FYRO Macedonia, Italy, Czech Republic and Croatia and they will learn how to become more competitive in the labor market.

Mrkopalj mjesto zdravog življenja
Konferencija i edukacija
Projekt financira Ministarstvo za demografiju, obitelj, mlade i socijalnu politika. Projekt sadrži konferenciju i edukaciju o potencijalima mrkopaljskog kraja s ciljem informiranja te poticanja
poduzetničkih ideja. Svrha konferencije je zadržavanje stanovništva, pogotovo mladih, u lokalnoj sredini,
te stvaranje modela za održivi razvoj ruralnih naselja.
Na konferenciji će se analizirati mogućnosti iskorištavanja i sinergije tri potencijalno glavna resursa:
- prirodni ljekoviti činitelji
- identitet mjesta (baština)
- ekološka poljoprivreda
Youth Exchange held in Osijek in December of 2017.
We come as one is youth exchange that is organized by non-governmental organisation Interaktiva from Osijek, Croatia and sponsored by European Commission trought Erasmus + programme. Project gather 36 young people from Turkey, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, FYRO Macedonia and Croatia. During youth exchange young people learned about human rights and activism on human rights field.

"Travel is like knowledge. The more you see, the more you know you haven't seen."
Mark Herstgaard